Highlander Athletics

Howell High School

Boys Varsity Football

Team News
Game Summaries (0)

No team summary for this season.

News (5)

Football Strength Challenge

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hello Howell Football families, friends, and fans! 

Please join us for our very first HHS Football STRENGTH CHALLENGE fundraiser.  On Tuesday, July 21st at 6:00 PM ending at approximately 8:30 PM at the high school (rain or shine), we will have a fundraiser filled with competition, fun, excitement, and prizes!  This will be a great team building event while bringing in donations that will help provide our team with needed supplies/equipment to have a successful season. 

Our players will be given the opportunity to challenge themselves and their teammates as they cycle through multiple stations to test strength, speed, agility, and team spirit.  They will be divided into small groups all starting at different stations and working their way through each obstacle.

They will each need to get “sponsors” who are willing to make a flat amount or “per pound” donation.

EXAMPLE:  $10 or $20 flat amount for entire event combined,  OR

$.03, $.05, $.10 per pound lifted for all events combined.

**If John lifts total 500# at $.10 that’s a $50 donation**

(They can lift quite a bit so keep that in mind)

These are just sample amounts, they will be grateful any donation.

They will begin asking for sponsors on July 7th. They will receive forms after camp on Tuesday. Collect donations up front as All money (except “per pound” donations) is due Tuesday, July 14th. (We will be at practice before and after to collect) “Per pound” donations will be due following the event, Thursday July 23rd

We can take cash, check((made to HHS Football), or online payments through the donate button below.   

Each player is being asked to meet a set goal of collecting $150.


All who meet the $150 goal will receive a ticket into a raffle.  Every $25 over the goal, they will get 1 extra ticket. 

There will be a prize for the Top 2 getting the most donations.

Please note the Player Name and Sponsor Name.

Player Name
Sponsor Name


Football Update 3/19

Updated on 06/10/2022

This is unprecedented times right now.  We are all trying to work together to end this new normal as quickly as possible.  Please keep in mind that people are trying to make very difficult decisions right now and our leadership is trying to do their best to keep all in mind.  Obviously with the happenings, please try to not let our kids get together in groups. Especially on Howell Public School grounds.  To my knowledge, Howell Football has always been leaders in the community.  Please keep our full district's best interest at heart.

We are currently looking into potential platforms for online teaching/face to face sessions.  This is at the beginning stages, but everyone is in the same boat and colleagues are starting to share resources.  Hopefully we can get something together in the near future.  

Current meetings and such are suspended per district policy.  Current summer schedule is staying as is, but be aware of potential changes at this point.  I will try and update as soon as possible. 

Please continue to check Howellhighlanders.com. If you have not done so, please register for the upcoming year (Fall 2020). 


We have been posting virtual playbooks online via Hudl.  This pertains to the Offense and Defense for the upcoming season.  Please try and have our kids take 30 mins a day to just watch and look over the video.  We are not expecting them to be perfectly on point when we get back.  However, these videos are made to help you learn, hear and start to familiarize yourself with our terminology.

Athletic Performance Class:

Lastly, my hope is to get all of our student-athletes in the Athletic Performance classes during their days of High School.  We have suspended Class Registration for the time being which means it is remaining open.  Please try and get this class on your schedule if it allows. The hope is to have student-athletes in class...

2nd Semester Sophomore Year

All Junior Year

1st Semester Senior Year

(You can take it more semesters if it fits into schedule)

If our kids are entering into any 3 of those school age brackets, it makes life easier by taking a PE class during school to get the proper Strength & Conditioning session in throughout High School.  This is NOT mandatory.  However, it would be a great benefit to the program and Howell Athletics overall if everyone were to sign up for this class.  No more before school or after school lifts.  Get it done during the day. Plus, so many other benefits it is hard to stress via email.  It is an important piece to help the program build. See if it can work for your schedule. This would be the time. Please email your counselor if you are running into any problems.  They are willing to help.

Please let me know if I can be of assistance to anyone.  I have confidence we will stick together as One Howell during this tough time.  

Coach Lewis

Highlander Club Meeting Monday, March 16 @6:30pm

Updated on 06/10/2022

Come on out to the first meeting of the Highlander Club and support your 20-21 Howell High School football team.  Meet in the Cafeteria.

August 9 Update

Updated on 06/10/2022


Fall Camp is here!  Hopefully everyone

enjoyed their down week. 

Now, it is time to go to work!



The down week is intended for families 

to have some time to themselves. 

In saying that, awareness of yourself 

and others is important.  

So if you are feeling unwell at all, please stay home. 


Each student-athlete should have a mask or face guard of some sort.  

We are in the process of getting neck gaiters and the Athletic Department 

will provide us with masks.  Yet, we know how kids can be! Please have a 

mask on your student-athlete at all times.  

It is IMPERATIVE to fill out the google form linked below.  

We want our Seniors to have a season!! 

Filling out these forms have never been more important.


We have been directed by the MHSAA to try and keep the Frosh team with the Frosh, 

JV with JV and Varsity with Varsity.  There will not be any intermingling. So think about carpooling. 

The MHSAA and Governor's office want to see how things go our first week back. 

Here is a potential scenario: If something were to happen to say a Sophomore, 

we would only want the JV team to be quarantined.  Not the Frosh and the Varsity as well. 

Try to keep our Teams together. 

TURN IN YOUR MHSAA HEALTH WAIVER. You will not be able to participate on Monday 

without this Waiver turned into the Athletic Department.  Filling this out is up to you!

We have changed the Green/Gold Day.  Please see the schedule below.  

Each team will have time on the field at Memorial Stadium.  

We must adhere to social distancing guidelines. 

Whew... enough with that business.  Let's play some football!!


Google Form:

PLEASE FILL OUT BEFORE ARRIVAL!!! Student-athletes will not be able to participate August 10th 

without this filled out!



Monday (8/10)

Helmet Distribution will take place on August 10th.


Helmet Distribution: 12:30pm

2-8pm Fall Camp


Helmet Distribution: 2:30pm

4-8pm - Team Camp


Helmet Distribution: 3:00pm

3-8pm - Team Camp

Tuesday (8/11)


2-8pm Fall Camp


4-8pm - Fall Camp


3-8pm - Fall Camp

Wednesday (8/12)


2-8pm Fall Camp


4-8pm - Fall Camp


3-8pm - Fall Camp

Thursday (8/13)

Jersey Distribution Day


Jersey Distribution: 12:30pm

2-8pm Fall Camp


Jersey Distribution: 2:30pm

4-8pm - Fall Camp


Jersey Distribution: 3:00pm

3-8pm - Fall Camp

Friday (8/14)


Varsity: 12:00pm

JV: 12:45pm

Frosh: 1:30pm


2-6:30pm Fall Camp


4-7pm - Fall Camp


3-6:00pm - Fall Camp

Saturday (8/15)

Green/Gold Day

Frosh - 9-10am @ Memorial Stadium

JV - 10-11am @ Memorial Stadium

Varsity - 11am-12:30pm @ Memorial Stadium

We will need to clear out the stands after each Team practices.  We are still bound to the 100 person rule.  

Our Team Moms will provide hot dogs for the kids after their scrimmage.  

Remember, we MUST adhere to the social distancing guidelines.

Sunday (8/16)


2:00pm - Senior/Mom Pictures

Orientation Days:

Please try and schedule your School Orientation Days in the morning 

(which they should be due to half days), so we are able to practice in the afternoon time slots.  

If you have a question, please reach out to your counselors and let them know your situation!


Per Howell Athletic Department...

Simplified version:

If they had a valid physical last year (dated after 4/15/19) and the school has a copy on file, 

they only have to fill out the new health questionnaire and turn it in. 

If they have a physical (dated 4/15/19 and after) and the school doesn't have a copy, 

they will need to turn in the physical and the questionnaire. 

If they have a physical dated 4/15/20 or after, we only need a copy of the physical.

Language for the new physicals from previous MHSAA communication:

Preparticipation Physical Examinations (Regulation I, Section 3 and Interpretation 20): 

For the 2020-21

school year the MHSAA pre-participation sports physical requirement will be waived for students in any grade

who received a valid physical for sports during the 2019-20 school year (one completed on or after April 15,

2019). These students and their parents/guardians will be required to complete the two-page MHSAA ANNUAL

SPORTS HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE found on MHSAA.com (and following this page). These must be signed

by student and parent/guardian and kept on file in the school. Students who did not receive a sports physical in

the 2019-20 school year or later must have a valid physical examination form on file. If a student is discovered

to have participated without a valid physical or Health Questionnaire on file, the student shall not be eligible to

participate until a valid physical or Health Questionnaire is on file. 

Click Here for the link to the NEW Health Questionnaire. This is the new form that students who had a valid sports 

physical in 2019-20 (completed on or after April 15, 2019) can complete with required signatures to meet 

the pre-participation health status requirement in 2020-21. For more information on this process, 

you can access a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for this new Health 

Questionnaire form by clicking HERE.

Gold Cards:

Please continue our push during our Gold Card Fundraiser!!  

Your player can take a picture of the card (front and back) and text it to anyone.  

Those folks would be able to sign up to buy one online without physical interaction.

This is huge for the program! Please continue to mention it to community members you see!

Before You Come Checklist...

1. Fill out Google Form - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmHFDb-p0Tg_SKzPRKMKD8SR_lM6m8FE0725OiN6ZvRuNqGA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1

2. Water Jug!!! ----- You will only have the water you bring!  This is imperative!

3. Cleats

4. Running Shoes

5. Masks (Recommended)

6. Gloves (Optional)

What to Bring:

1. Water Jug!!! ----- You will only have the water you bring!  This is imperative!

2. Cleats

3. Running Shoes

4. Masks (Recommended)

5. Gloves (Optional)


- Clorox/Sanitation Wipes

- Hand Sanitizer

- Water Bottle Cases

We are still accepting donations.  Thank you to all of you who have donated and helped collect donations.  

One Howell,

Coach Lewis

Brian Lewis

Physical Education/Health Teacher

Head Football Coach

Howell High School



Howell Football Update 08/09

Updated on 06/10/2022